Strategic, change management, cultural integration, leadershipAbstract
The study set out to establish the effect of strategic change management on organizational
performance of government owned entities. The study specific objectives are to examine the
effect of strategic leadership change on organizational performance in government owned
entities in Mombasa County; to investigate the effect of strategic cultural integration change on
organizational performance in government owned entities in Mombasa County; to determine the
effect of strategic corporate communication change on organizational performance in
government owned entities in Mombasa County and to examine the effect of strategic resource
allocation change on organizational performance in government owned entities in Mombasa
County. This study was anchored on the following theories; Strategic Leadership theory,
Resource-Based View theory, Strategic communication theory, Schein‟s Model of
Organizational Culture and theory of performance. The population of this study was the 47
government owned entities in Mombasa County and the target population for the study was made
up of 141 managers comprising of senior managers, heads of department and line manager. A
modified Likert scale questionnaire was developed and divided into three parts. A pilot study
was carried out to refine the instrument. The quality and consistency of the study was further
assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed on a computer using Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 25) for Windows. Data was presented in form of
means, standard deviation, percentages and tables. Results show that considerable number of
parastatals had strategic leaders who motivated employees toward organizational goals;
parastatals maintained strong cultural integration and those employees from different
departments in the parastatals shared a common perspective. Most of the government owned
entities had strong corporate communication strategy in place which assets make organizations to
run successfully and distributing these assets to an organization ought to be done carefully which
distributing assets can be intense, but an organization can procure the assets they require suitably
through cautious practice. The study concludes that strategic leadership change, strategic cultural
integration change, strategic corporate communication change and strategic resource allocation
change all had a positive effect on performance in government owned entities in Mombasa
County. Therefore, this study recommends that Government owned entities (parastatals) must
have strong visionary strategic management in place, also they must adopt organizational
learning systems, upon which their culture should be founded; strong policies must also be
instituted to support this development, further the employees must be fully sensitized on
organizational core values. Government owned entities should continuously seek to strengthen
their communication strategies and that, it‟s important to ensure that budgetary allocation was
well forecasted, disbursements should be made timely.