Strategic Controls and Strategic PositioningAbstract
Strategic management has emerged as the most significant and widely used management
approach and is seen as moving management away from a concern with the organizations`
internal dynamics to an involvement with its strategic alignment in the external environment.
The objective of the study is to determine the influence of strategic management practices on the
performance of Mabati Rollings Manufacturing firm in Kenya. The specific objectives of the
study were: to determine the effect of strategic controls on performance of MRM firm in Kenya,
to establish the effect of strategic innovation on performance of MRM firm in Kenya, to
determine the effect of strategic direction on performance of MRM firm in Kenya and influence
of strategic positioning on performance of MRM firm in Kenya. The study employed theory of
management by objective, strategic leadership theory and resource based view as theories for the
study. The descriptive research design was used in the formulation of knowledge on the
influence of strategic management on the performance of MRM firm in Kenya and provided
solutions to areas that needed improvement. Data analysis and interpretation was done
quantitatively based on descriptive statistics such as measures of mean and measures of
dispersion as well as inferential statistics mainly analysis of variance, multi-linear regression and
bivariate Pearson correlation. Data processing and analysis was finally done by use of the SPSS
software version 24.According to the findings, there was a strong positive correlation between
the independent variables; strategic controls, strategic innovation, strategic direction and
strategic positioning; performance of Mabati Rollings Manufacturing firm in Kenya.The study
found out that the leadership builds managerial support. It is therefore recommended that leaders
in manufacturing firms need to motivate, support, and communicate, innovate the organization in
building up shared behavior, vision, mission, norms and values formation among the employees
for strategy management practices. The study revealed that among the four variables discussed,
strategic positioning had the highest performance. Therefore, its role to produce fundamental
decisions and actions in shaping and guiding the organization towards achieving its objectives
very important and should be given more attention