Food-processing industry, fruits, vegetables, demanded, difficultiesAbstract
All over the world processed food is well accepted among the people. It is more
popular in developed countries as compared to the developing and the underdeveloped
countries. There are various factors that supports the huge potential of setting up of the food
processing industries in India like, the lifestyle and the eating habits of the people, the range
of products that are available in the market, income level of the people, availability of
organised retail markets and branded food, increase in the demand at the international level,
avilability of technology, acceptance of processed food among the people. But there are other
factors also that hinders into the growth or development of the food processing industry in
India. They are like, shortage of availability of raw material, credit facility, problems of
labour, majority of the people are working in unorgnised sector, shortage of infrastructure,
cold storage, elongated supply chain, fragmented supply chain, absence of farmers
knowledge and awareness, shortage of R & D etc.This paper is purely based on the data and
information available from the secondary sources. It is expected that the information would
help in reinforcing the need for the development of the food processing industry. There is a
need to work on the obstructions coming on its way of development.